Intrusion detection plays an important role in the area of security in WSN. Detection of any type of intruder is essential in case of WSN. WSN consumes a lot of energy to detect an intruder. Therefore we derive an algorithm for energy efficient external and internal intrusion detection. We also analyze the probability of detecting the intruder for heterogeneous WSN. This paper considers single sensing and multi sensing intruder detection models. It is found that our experimental results validate the theoretical results. Work towards maximizing the life time of WSN has been studied in many research works. Some of them lead to the need of heterogeneous WSN deployment. Analyze heterogeneous deployments both mathematically and through simulations in different deployment environments and network operation models investigate some fundamental questions for hybrid deployment of sensor. JAVA- Intrusion detection An Energy efficient approach in Heterogeneous WSN
Two detection models are: These are two detection models