JAVA- Caching Strategies Based on Information Density Estimation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks


Data caching strategy for ad hoc networks whose nodes exchange information items in a peer-to-peer fashion. Data caching is a fully distributed scheme where each node, upon receiving requested information, determines the cache drop time of the information or which content to replace to make room for the newly arrived information. These decisions are made depending on the perceived “presence” of the content in the nodes proximity, whose estimation does not cause any additional overhead to the information sharing system. We devise a strategy where nodes, independent of each other, decide whether to cache some content and for how long. In the case of small-sized caches, we aim to design a content replacement strategy that allows nodes to successfully store newly received information while maintaining the good performance of the content distribution system. Under both conditions, each node takes decisions according to its perception of what nearby users may store in their caches and with the aim of differentiating its own cache content from the other nodes’. The result is the creation of content diversity within the nodes neighborhood so that a requesting user likely finds the desired information nearby. We simulate our caching algorithms in different ad hoc network scenarios and compare them with other caching schemes, showing that our solution succeeds in creating the desired content diversity, thus leading to a resource-efficient information access. JAVA- Caching Strategies Based on Information Density Estimation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks


  • Existing cooperative caching schemes for the Web environment can be classified as message-based, directory-based, hash based, or router-based.
  • The cache array routing protocol is the most notable hash based cooperative caching protocol. The rationale behind CARP constitutes load distribution by hash routing among Web proxy cache arrays.
  • A mobile node doesn’t know whether the data source or some other nodes serve its request. If multiple data sources exist, or if the mobile node doesn’t know where the data source is, Hybrid Cache might not be a good option.
  • In addition, caching nodes outside the path between the requesting node and the data source might not be able to share cache information with the requesting node.


  • We simulate our caching algorithms in different ad hoc network scenarios and compare them with other caching schemes, showing that our solution succeeds in creating the desired content diversity, thus leading to a resource-efficient information access.
  • Data caching strategy for ad hoc networks whose nodes exchange information items in a peer-to-peer fashion. These decisions are made depending on the perceived “presence” of the content in the nodes proximity, whose estimation does not cause any additional overhead to the information sharing system.
  • However, the solution that was proposed is based on the formation of an overlay network composed of “mediator” nodes, and it is only fitted to static connected networks with stable links among nodes.
  • We proposes a complete framework for information retrieval and caching in mobile ad hoc networks, and it is built on an underlying routing protocol and requires the manual setting of a network wide “Caching zone” These assumptions, along with the significant communication overhead needed to elect “mediator” nodes, make this scheme unsuitable for the mobile environments.
































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